Saturday, February 25, 2006
hihi to all...
today's sermon is by joshua...
quite a good sermon...
its fun and spiritual too....
today's sermon is about honouring our improtant to honour our therefore people out there please honour your parents and not by dishonouring them....
actually theres nothing much to write here.....
friday was boring because we do not have our PE lesson...sighhh....
chemistry was boring too so was the day...
but oNe person make my day happy...guess who?
of course is.................???????? :)
actually tomorrow my class is having an outing to sentosa woot...
but it's cancelled...because many can't go...
we will go there one of this days this year :)
have not done my home work yet hahax...
ok lah....
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
woot writing on a tuesday seems weird leh...
actually nothing to write but nothing to do leh so write abit lor
yesterday got assembly sia...
woot wearing the super cool tie :)
then during assembly got external instructor come and teach us basics of yoga....
how cool eh?
then today haix...kana caught by teacher after recess sia...
the kana punish pick litter with other friends lor....
then run three round around the parade square ....
then one of my friend run away sia...
some friend...
ok lah
thats all
Saturday, February 18, 2006

woOt tHe sEniOrs' nIte :)

aMir,aMin,hUiLin aNd LiwEi...
oN boArd tHe mRt hOmE :) bluR pIc

LooK aT tHe pEopLe At eXpO...aLL oLd foLkS' :)
tHey reaLLy kNow hOw tO eNjOy tHemseLvEs...

mE,jIa fEng,dEnnIs aNd wEnsHenG at the seniors night...
hAvinG fUn oF cOurSe...

oNe oF tHe cOndoMs i bOught -_-"
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
woot.....valentines' day....
aiya jus to add in on the days event lah
actually nothing much lor
valentines' day is where couples gif each other flowers and present hahax
but can gif something to your loved ones such as yr parents and relatives
lets see what i can think of bah....
start of the day i have a pressie(present) for HER(u noe lah) in my bag woot....excited leh...
jus kidding...okok....this is for real....
then i thought she today will not come but eventually she came,i so happy leh....
then during recess......i ask qiu ping(next door classmate which is same class as HER in case u don know)...shes a good friend lah so good help me give her the pressie...
i think she took it lah hahax...
then slacking around in jurong point then saw HER with cool :)
ok lah thats all lah....
Monday, February 13, 2006
i'm here to talk about yesterday event the seniors night for the elderly people...
went to the expo to help out
it's a enjoyable experience for me!!!!!! it's pretty cool
the president was also there how cool....we took pictures with the president but the picture not with me hahax...
if i have time then upload the pictures in then....
wad a sleepy day today...everybody was sleeping lor....(slack to be exact)
today bio lesson was fun woot....thumbs up for it!!!!!
the teacher ask me to buy condoms,spermicide and diaphram(i think is spelt this way)...
but i manage to buy condoms only....this are all for bio lor
then i went to watsons to buy the condoms then i went to pay up at the cashier then the lady keep laughing lah...whats wrong with boys buying condoms haix....
for bio lesson this also got wrong leh...
if got time then put the pictures up bahx
Saturday, February 11, 2006
hi to people out there!!!!!!
it's saturday....(lame sia)
tomorrow i'm going to expo doing service learning project...woot...
sounds fun...
going there to help the elderly whole class is doing it....
dress code:pink shirt and white pants...-_-''
nothing nice to write....quite bored in school also....
now i know that mathematics can be so fun after nine years of education from primary 1 to secondary 3...hahax...
the only day i enjoy in the week is tuesday and friday as tuesday make my bag feel light and friday have pe woot....
today i have nothing to write maybe tomorrow or monday then can write something better....
that's all for today
see you!!!!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
it's the end of the week again
5 days of schooling,2days for resting and homework....
i always decide that i do my homework on sunday as the next day is the school day
but something happen today ahhhhh
i have chinese,maths,d&t and chemistry i went to my bag and take out the homework but....i couldn't find my MATHS ahhhhh
i recalled then the moment i knew it,i never bring back the text book and exercise book....
i panic leh....because the maths teacher is HOD(head of department) leh...never do homework will get detention one lor...
luckily tomorrow maths lesson is after recess so.........
i can do the sums during recess *smiling* weeeeeeeee
church was good yesterday....
talking about the chronicles of narnia yeah!!!!
cell was also fun....
playing the drawing game hahax....
like nothing to write leh....
next saturday then write somemore...