Wednesday, November 23, 2005

arwandi and liwei.....hahax...

chalet woo hoo........

my leg on thomas's soccer ball adidas yeah......

the bikes yeah

what a nice .........i went to chalet at east coast on the 21st of november,it's was me.....we reach the place at 8+pm i guess sitting thomas's father's the transport we have joseph,arwandi,chong hoe,swenson,wee song,thomas,me,wee kiat.....i guess thats all...
we reach there and we put our bags at the chalet and went to rent bicycle woo hoo........7 bucks...quite a reasonable price...we call ourselves the bicycle gang cause we go and an exciting adventure i bet u wanna hear them....the bike gang consist of arwandi,thomas,me,swenson,chong hoe,hanyi,joseph.....we hav fun riding.....yeah....we rode from east coast park to city hall peninsular plaza i guess it's spelt that way....lets begin the journey.....we set off at east coast park at 9+pm i gues or maybe 10+pm hahax...the whole journey end bout.....6 hrs from east coast to city hall then from city hall back to east coast....yeah...lets start....we set off then we rode up the overhead bridge then found ourselves at HDB....we rode pass the flats and then we came to a stop to ask for direction then we continue on....we felt lost....then arwandi went to a petrol station to ask for directions...then we continue's very tiring...then we arrive at katong we rode in circles....we don't know where to go...then we went to a nearby shopping centre and ask...the shopping centre is already close as it's at night...then after that we went to 7-eleven to buy drinks as we are all thirsty.....then we gogogo.......we rode pass private houses,bungalows,yeah thats way cool.....then we heard dogs barking.....the fun part was that we wake the ppl up by ringing the bicycle bells hahax....i don really rmb where we go that day but i will write all down.... :) .....then we wrote on the highway....nicoll highway....woo's so long haix....we rode past the indoor stadium....then kallang threate....then kallang stadium...woah that took very long....then we rode to the esplanade....yeah....we felt happy as we were getting near...woo hoo...we rode in the carpark..then carry our bikes up the stairs and continue riding....then theres a two-way spilt we try our luck at first we went right then thomas asked us to go left as the right road looks like its leading to other i rode first to check the road as i'm behind....then indeed its the correct road then we found ourselves at marina square yeah....woo's so shiok....then we rode to peninsular plaza yeah....we park and lock our bike at the side fence or gates at the st andrews cathedral...yeah that place still look holy at night...woo hoo....then we went to the 24hr game shop and played for 2hrs....yeah thats our reward for riding so long hahax....its 12+pm i guess...then after playing we went to a nearby hotel to use the toliet...yeah that hotel is grand....then we went to the 7-eleven store opposite the st andrews cathedral....then we bought cup noodles to eat yeah.....its 2.43pm at that time when chong hoe checked his hp...after eating we went across the road to go unlock our bikes....after unlocking....we found one of the lock keys lost then we began our search for the key...we search and search and search still cannot find....since its near the st andrews cathedral i guess GOD must be looking then we decided to go off since we cant find it...then when we are about to set off...arwandi look at swenson's bike then found the key...hahax...we were all like woah....then we rode back to east coast...yeah....we rode past marina square,we rode past the indoor stadium then the nicoll highway and then rode pass some weird houses they look haunted sia...hahax...then we rode and rode and rode....then we rode past the same petrol station hahax straight away we knew that we are riding the correct way....then we rode to a junction...the problem came....we don't know where to go..the arwandi went to call for a taxi which passby..then we ask the taxi driver...woah he was friendly yeah..then we rode and found bike track then we rode all the way as they were east coast park track yeah....then we rode back the the chalet woo at last...haix...while riding i check the time and it's 4+am woo hoo...then we go play soccer woo hoo...this story very long sia...continue lah...then around 8+ or 9+am i went to mcdonald to eat breakfast wif zihao coz all the others were tired some i mean...then we rode there and rode back...waaaa..while riding to mc coz its raining we rode in the rain's very very very cold when the wind rush pass me....woo hoo....shivering too...then we went to return the bikes woo hoo...the total time i felt that coldness was 3 times...waaaaa cold...then we walked back barefoot some i mean coz got sand in the slippers....then half way,chong hoe,thomas,hanyi and wee song went in the's warm there...shiok shiok sia...then we went back to chalet....yeah...then we went to bathe....take turns and bathe coz only one toliet...lets say some of the heros during the trip...arwandi the singapore map he lead us all the way...then thomas the fast legs,his like cycling so fast as his gear are loose hahax...the me the bike mechanic....haix have to help hanyi fix his bike two times coz his chain drop....hahax...then after bathing...we wait a while and then start the fire for the around 5+pm we start eating woo hoo.....then around 6+ or 7+pm,i,chong,hanyi,joseph,arwandi and swenson went to take a bus near parkway parade we walk all the way there by the way....hahax...then we took 197 bus to jurong east interchange long sia....1hr+ sia from east coast to je...haix..then the bus passby a hawker centre...haix....nv saw the who....dotz hahax...then the bus went to dock at the interchange....then we went seperate ways......swenson,joseph and i went to take mrt to jurong point yeah...then we all went hm woo hoo.....shiok adventure......yeah....wad a enjoyable time woo hoo....i guess until here thr readers are all asleep add on...went to catch a movie today 23rd november hahax...harry potter yeah....shiok shiok....woah...the movie is great....then saw ma kay,shao tang and eddie hahax......the time pass so fast sia during the movie hahax...thats all i guess...woo
Saturday, November 12, 2005
what a day....
not too bad...
at least....
got go church today....yeah yeah....
went to cell then to service.....
after service go eat dinner with frenz ......
it's quite a cool day today....
11.14pm now...
Friday, November 11, 2005
argh.... boring..
today in the afternoon go play soccer haix..
also like ok lor...
shiok sia the sun...
very tired sehx...
now 8.26am
go sleep...
woo hoo.................................................................................................
Thursday, November 10, 2005
woo hoo
happy birthday to huilin
today's her birthday
shes sure having fun..
its another boring day for me..
but quite fun at home actually
yeah yeah...
now is 3.42pm..
the day is almost up...
sian ar...
woo hoo.............
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
walemak....nice nice nice.....woo hoo.......add me at friendster...