Tuesday, April 08, 2008
TT School life is boring. And I got floorball training... So busy. Plus my bag couldn't fit all my stuff TT
Sunday, March 30, 2008
WAH! I never update for like a month liao. I looked into the mirror today and realised how funny i look. My hair is like... springy. Then my nose is flat like a pigs. I wanna go for plastic surgery so I can look like this:

I bet if I looked like this, a lot of girls would go crazy over meeeee. I'd like that
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I am not right/ GAAAAAAAAAAY!
I have a Dinosaur bedsheet.
I cant pronouce well; words like CooOoOOoOOoOoOOooOoLiozZzZ
I make fun of people's voices
Even my sister's?
I'm a mean person/
Dont talk to me!
My bedsheet

So cuteeeeeeeeee right?
Friday, November 02, 2007
BOOOOOO! Hello everyone, I'm back! Yes you can see that, HAHAHA- School's going to be over soon! Yay! I'm planning to go to Island Creamery! their Ice cream rocks to the max yo! Freedom Baby! I'm a poor deprived kid. And I aint cool, cause I'm Ferdinand Chua Kian Hao
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Hello Everyone, My name is Ferdinand Chua Kian Hao, Nice to meet all of you, its been pretty long since I updated, anyone missed me? I'm sure no one(: But its okay, what can you expect, I'm ferdinand Chua Kian Hao, I love my name (: I thank my parents or whoever who gave me my name(: I am currently schooling right now(: In the ''Best'' school everrrr! Republic Poly(: But I wish I could go to St Margs, I just love their Uniform, The best ever, POLKA DOTS! I wish I could wear a dress filled with dots(: I bet I'll look pretty(: looking back at my earlier posts, I bet I was a totally guy lian, HAHAHAHHA(: I am doing a case study on Bens and Jerrys, I love their Ice-cream, its amazing yo! and and, I wish I could work there, I think Roy Thong is Handsome, I think Disney Movies are COOOOOLIOZ, And I wish I was a disney Princess(: You know what, I think I'm the most well known person ever, Everyone in school and church knows me, I bet even the MAMA shop uncle knows me too; No wonder he gave a discount the other day(: Before I go, here Are some pictures(: COOOOOOLIOZ(:

Goodbye everyone, I'll see you soon(:
Friday, October 19, 2007
This is week 5 of my 2nd semester. YAWN!
Yichun ask me to update haha so i wrote some stuff here! =)